Saturday, 14 July 2012

RECOMMENDATION.(1 )  I Was always Very Sceptical about Reflexology, But Decided to Give it a try, even if it only meant an hour of total relaxation. i always seem to be on the run and do not have much time for relaxation. I have Found that Robert must have healing hands and i'am sure he manages to break down all the toxic deposits in my body by just massaging my feet and the application of Pressure. After an hour of treatment, i feel relaxed, young, agile and ready to take on the World. Happy Client Swannie.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

INFERTILITY.   If  There is no Obvious Physical Problem Preventing Pregnancy, Then Very Often the Cause is Psychological. Stress, Tension and Anxiety can Create the Physical Conditions that Prevent Conception. Reflexology can Alleviate the Tension Through Deep Relaxation and Stimulation of the Reproductive Organs and Promote Normal  Glandular Functioning, Causing the Body to be more Receptive to Becoming Pregnant.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

MENOPAUSE.   Menopause is a Natural Condition whereby the Ovaries Reduce their supply of Oestrogenic Hormones, causing the Cessation of menses which signals the end of fertility. This Causes an Imbalance of Oestrogen and Progesterone Producing the Symptoms of hot flushes and Internal Dryness and Occasional Emotional nervousness and Sleeplessness. Reflexlology can help to Relieve the Stress and Tension and Stimulate all the Endocrine Glands to Function in a more Balanced way Especially the Adrenals which take over Some of the Functions of the Ovaries. Producing small Amounts of Oestrogen. The Skin also Produces Oestrogen in a Small way, So that Women Retain their Femine Characteristics.