Friday 21 November 2014

Recommendation 3. Hi Rob, Hooray! i am fiiiiially getting around to writing to you!, Well, i always used to ''pooh pooh'' reflexology and think that a barefoot walk on the beach would do the trick, but i was wrong! When i came for that first reflexology session i was so stressed out and always getting colds. it was so amazing having that time out in your quiet and peaceful  setting, looking at the mountain through the window. You made me feel relaxed and un-selfconscious about having my feet worked on. And what a difference that session made. I felt like a new person afterwards. It took me far too long to get back to you, but when i did it was well worth it. this is something we should all try to put in our diaries for at least once a month- and one could as it is truly, unbelievably affordable too. Thanks Rob, Wendy.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

CANDIDA & YEAST OVERGROWTH.   Reflexology can help this by lowering stress levels. Stress causes acidity in the body by increasing the adrenal hormone cortisol which then saturates the body with acidity and lowers immunity. acidity then triggers the candida microbe to proliferate. the healthy candida microbes live in the bowel and combine with the probiotic bacteria to protect our immune cells. When they become out of balance due to an acid condition, bad microbes multiply and cause an inbalance in the bowels triggering many diseases. There are several supplements to take. eg, Olive leaf extract, or grapefruit seed ext probiotics, caprylic acid.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

THE KNEE.   The knee joint is made up of bones, cartilage, tendons, muscles and ligaments, any of these structures is prone to degeneration through wear and tear, especially through sports of any kind which inevitably leads to arthritis and the accompaing pain.  ageing and lack of activity also contribute to degeneration, Reflexology can help greatly by improving circulation to the joint and breaking up the chrystaline deposits that build up and cause pain. Reflexology allows energy and nutrients to flow to the knees assiting in the healing process as well as specific knee exercices.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Hi all just thought i'd put a Picture of me Roberts Reflexology, on here hope you like it, iam uk qualified at regent academy england

Tuesday 27 May 2014

DIZZINESS & LIGHTHEADYNESS. can be caused by a number of conditions eg: high or low blood, sugar, lack of iron, stomach problems, lung disorders, stress, excitement, anger, fear. obviously stress, exacerbates all these conditions & Reflexology can help in de-stressing and relaxing the body and encancing all medication or supplements that may be perscribed.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

RECOMMENDATION 5  Robert is an excellent Reflexologist, His Knowledge base is amazing, and his ability to pin point the issues in your feet means this is so much more than a foot massage it is true Reflexology  by Susan Nothling.

Monday 13 January 2014

PYOGENIC ARTHRITIS.     Pyogenic Arthritis is an Infection of a Joint caused by a Pyogenic organism, Reflexology can help to relax and reduce Inflamation and Infection by using appropriate essential oils such as Basil, eucalyptus or Ginger and Teetree to the Affected Part which can Stimulate healing by working on the Reflex Points on the feet that correspond to the area affected by the Pyogenic Organism.